
For over ten years I have worked with and for companies on successful, user-friendly and accessible websites and web applications.


Freelance frontend developer and consultant
08.2009 - today
Front-end developer & shareholder
Ventosa Digital GmbH & Co. KG
01.2017 - today
Lecturer in the specialization module "Web and App Design"
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
09.2016 - today
Head of website team faculty of Business Studies
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
09.2016 - 03.2023
Media Management, Master of Arts
Bauhaus University Weimar
10.2014 - 09.2016
Communication and Multimedia Management, Bachelor of Arts
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
09.2011 - 08.2014

Further training


Since 2016, I have been a lecturer at the Faculty of Business Studies at University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and teach the fundamentals of successful digital concepts in the specialization module "Web and App Design".

The course is offered together with two other lecturers. My teaching topics in the last years were::